Safety lessons for pre-school children are conducted by RVFS employees

22 January 2020, Wednesday


An entertaining lesson on the rules of fire-safe behavior was organized by employees of the Zelenodolsk Interdistrict Department of TRB RVFS in the kindergarten "Yolochka".

This time, RVFS specialists came to visit the young firefighters ' assistants together with employees of the 8th fire and rescue squad. Dispatcher SRU-153 Maria Pilyugina told young listeners about the work of firefighters, their equipment. The children were clearly shown the equipment of firefighters, explained why one or another element of firefighters ' combat clothing is needed. Then the kids watched a cartoon on the theme of fire prevention.

The main purpose of these classes is to prevent fires and prevent the death of children in a fire. It is necessary to instill simple safety rules in children from an early age.



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