Interactive classes on fire safety

23 March 2020, Monday

When organizing work with children, the main task is to find the method of influence that is necessary for a particular age. To do this, the spp inspectors work closely with the teaching staff of educational facilities.
In the school of "ISKE-Riazyapskaya" of the Spassky district, the topic of "Fire"was considered in the English lesson. In order to instill vital rules in school students, an EMERCOM employee was invited to the lesson.
Anna Kolesova, senior inspector of the inter-district Department of supervision and preventive work in the Alkeevsky and Spassky municipal districts, is a frequent guest at this school. This time, she built her lesson in the form of a dialogue. She asked questions about the fire topic of the lesson, and the children answered and, with the help of the teacher, even translated the fire safety rules into English. An exciting lesson flew by like a flash, the children really liked the course of the lesson, and they tried not to miss a single word of the teacher in the uniform of the Ministry of emergency situations.
The main purpose of the classes conducted by the employees of the SFS is to remind them of the need and importance of complying with fire safety requirements during their stay in educational institutions, in public places, at home and in everyday life.

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