Beware of snow falling from the roofs of houses and from the slopes

20 February 2019, Wednesday

On 21 and 22 February, due to the projected precipitation in the form of snow, sleet, combined with an increase in air temperature to positive marks, there is a risk of snow and ice from the roofs of buildings and structures, the collapse of buildings and wide-span structures as a result of snow loads, as well as snow from the steep slopes of river valleys, ravines, quarries, railway embankments.

The main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan recommends residents of the Republic to be careful and cautious when driving through the streets to stay away from houses with overhanging icicles and snow, not to park near them vehicles.

Precautions for the threat of snow from the roofs of buildings:

- do not approach houses with pitched roofs, from which snow may fall, do not allow children to be in such places;

- do not leave vehicles close to the buildings, on the cornices which have formed icicles and overhanging snow;

- in the presence of a fence of a dangerous place not to try to pass for a protection, and to bypass dangerous places other road;

- do not walk on the street with headphones, you will not hear the noise of falling snow from the roof;

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