Three people fell in the water on thin ice in Tatarstan. One could not be saved

1 December 2021, Wednesday

This was announced today by the head of the Department of safety of people on water bodies of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan Regina Gayazova. The prolonged thaw and rains practically melted the ice cover. Now winter fishing and other walks on the ice have become simply deadly.
On November 27, a man born in 1955 fell through the ice on the Prost River near the city of Chistopol, and it was not possible to save him. Unfortunately, the incident was reported untimely and the person died.
If you have witnessed a person's failure under the ice, first of all you need to call 112, then try to help before the arrival of rescuers, not forgetting about your own safety. But in order to avoid such accidents, first of all it is necessary to wait for the establishment of solid ice with a thickness of at least 10 cm. 
Transparent ice with a bluish or greenish tinge, without bubbles, is safe. The ice is cloudy, gray or matte in color, twice as weak as transparent.

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