Lessons with Members of Voluntary Fire Departments

5 August 2014, Tuesday

Very much depends on voluntary firefighters’ support during the liquidation of any emergency situation – salvage amount, but the main thing – people’s lives. From this point of view it is hard to overestimate not even courage and strength of volunteers, but the level of their schooling, not only the physical but the theoretical one.

Just in order to test the level of the schooling there were held lessons with voluntary firefighters of Biryulinsky zverosovkhoz village, Narmonka village, and other voluntary fire teams of Kazan detachment of fire service of the Republic of Tatarstan. The lessons consisted both of theoretical and practical parts where volunteers learned to work with hydraulic tools and fire technical armament.

Holding such lessons with volunteers allows to keep them fit, refresh their knowledge and test their level of readiness to liquidation of emergency situations.

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