Conditional non-standard situation in the Village of contestants

19 June 2019, Wednesday

On the eve of the World championship of professional skills "WORLDSKILLS KAZAN 2019" in the Village of the contestants were held exercises on the interaction of firefighters and maintenance personnel of the facility to extinguish the fire and evacuate people. Also, the members of the volunteer fire brigade of the campus received practical skills to eliminate the fire.

According to the legend of the exercises, the fire occurred on the 6th floor of building No. 1. As a result of the fire, six people were cut off from the exit. All the others living in this building, and there were only 53 people, were evacuated independently.

In the successful evacuation of people played an important role and time included in the building voice notification of the current non-standard situation in two languages. Quickly and correctly worked and watch, the task of which was to notify the management on the radio and call the fire Department.

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